Did you know that a tooth has several components or layers? Indeed, our teeth are not all the same firm and white color.

Four dental tissues make up your teeth. Three of them are pretty hard, followed by the pulp. Enamel is the most rigid tissue, more substantial than a bone generally.

What is tooth enamel:

The outermost layer of a tooth is known as enamel. It has a shell-like structure and is the toughest and thinnest tissue of the human body. Enamel protects the crown of the tooth.

You can see the light through enamel because it is transparent. However, dentin, the primary component of the tooth, is responsible for the color of your teeth. It may be white or yellow, depending on how well you take care of your teeth.

Coffee, red wine, coke, tea, fruit juices, and tobacco all have the potential to discolor your teeth’ enamel. Routine brushing and polishing help to maintain good oral hygiene.

What exactly is the function of tooth enamel?

Chewing, biting, crushing, and grinding all contribute to protecting your teeth from regular wear and tear. Although enamel is a rigid tooth protector, it is vulnerable to chipping and cracking. It helps to protect you from sensitivity. When an animal corrodes, you often feel the pain, for example, while eating ice cream or having soup. Sugary foods are also painful to consume once enamel corrodes.

Enamel cannot be restored by the body naturally since it has no live cells.

What causes enamel to erode?

Acids deteriorate the enamel on teeth, causing tooth erosion. The following factors might induce enamel erosion:

  • consuming an excessive amount of phosphoric and citric acids-containing soft beverages Microorganisms present in the mouth feed on sugar and produce acids that erode enamel. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, it will grow worse.
  • Drinks made from fruits Some fruit juice acids cause more damage than battery acid
  • sour meals
  • dry mouth (xerostomia). By wiping away bacteria and residual food in your mouth, saliva helps to prevent tooth decay. It also reduces the concentration of acids to a safe level.
  • A high-sugar, starch-based diet
  • Heartburn is also known as acid reflux disease (GERD). These transport stomach acids to the mouth, where they can erode enamel.
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Medicines (antihistamines, aspirin, vitamin C)
  • Alcoholism, often known as binge drinking, is a kind of alcoholism. People suffering from these illnesses frequently vomit, which is difficult on their teeth.

Function of Saliva

Saliva is necessary for tooth strength and endurance. Saliva enhances the integrity of the body’s tissues and helps to protect the enamel of the teeth by coating them with vitamins and minerals. Saliva also dilutes erosive substances such as acid, removes waste from the mouth, and boosts antimicrobial molecules that help fight against oral germs and disease.

Even if you consume an acidic beverage or juice, calcium-rich saliva in your mouth helps build teeth. However, if you consume an excessive amount of acidic meals and beverages, this tooth-strengthening process is disrupted.

Symptoms of Enamel erosion

The symptoms of enamel erosion might vary depending on the stage. Among the early signals are:

  1. Sensitivity. Certain meals (sweets) and food temperatures (hot or cold) may induce a twinge of pain in the early stages of enamel erosion.
  2. Yellowing. Teeth may seem yellow when the enamel erodes, and more dentin is exposed.
  3. Fractures and chipping As the enamel erodes, the edges of teeth grow increasingly rough, uneven, and jagged.
  4. Clear, glossy teeth are an indication of mineral loss.
  5. Sensitivity is extreme and painful. Teeth become highly sensitive to warmth and sweetness in the latter stages of enamel loss. You may experience a severe shock that takes your breath away.
  6. Cupping. Where you bite and chew, ridges form on the surface of your teeth.
  7. When the enamel of a tooth erodes, the tooth becomes more prone to cavities or decay. When decay penetrates the hard enamel, it gains access to the tooth’s core body.

At first, minor cavities may not create any issues. However, when the cavity grows and penetrates the tooth, it might damage the tiny nerve fibers, resulting in intensely painful pus or inflammation.


If you’ve had substantial enamel erosion, a dentist can treat you with a few procedures. The first method is known as tooth bonding. Bonding is a technique in which a tooth-colored substance known as resin is put to discolored or broken teeth. 

The resin can conceal discolorations and preserve your teeth. If enamel erosion has created discolorations on your front teeth, you may wish to explore dental bonding.

In more severe situations, your dentist may apply a veneer or crown to your damaged teeth to prevent future deterioration.

The best approach to cure enamel erosion is to prevent it from developing in the first place. Even if you currently have some enamel erosion, you may prevent it from worsening by taking good care of your oral health.

You can prevent enamel loss by avoiding acidic beverages, drinking lots of water, and not consuming very sugary foods.


It’s critical to understand that no professional or homeopathic treatments are available to help restore it once the enamel has been gone.

However, you may be able to develop specific behaviors at home that can help replace minerals in your enamel and keep it strong such as the one discussed below:

  • consuming lactose-free milk to assist with calcium and acidity equilibrium
  • consuming probiotic-rich yogurt
  • Taking calcium or vitamin D pills if your diet lacks these elements
  • Raising everyday water consumption
  • using both fluoride and remineralizing toothpaste
  • Fluoride treatments on prescribed medication 


Enamel is a material that protects the teeth from physical and chemical degradation. Tooth stains and discomfort can be caused by enamel erosion. Enamel on teeth cannot be replaced. However, you can avoid further damage with dental procedures and good oral hygiene. Visit our website at https://luminadental.com/ to know more about oral health.